Guys please forgive my inactivity with this web site. I have not even logged in for many weeks.
Without going into many details life has been very difficult and very hard the last few months or so. Deaths, changes of jobs, family, travel and other things have made it so that I am not even sure I will be around the week or so that we were planning to have this snowbird meet. I apologize for not being more supportive.
Have said this and the fact that I still do not see too much interest or activity (I know I am mostly to blame) I will not be able to support the 2008 Snowbird meet. If some of you would like to come anyway as the weather really is nice in January and need to place to park your toys please let me know as I have a large driveway. There are lots of places to go jeeping. We can have a BBQ as well.
The offer for all the FREE Oranges and Grapefruits you can pick and take home with you is still open. If you would like 1000 pounds or so they are yours. (No Joke!) I have a bumper crop coming this year (I have 32 trees) These are the best oranges you have ever had I guarantee it.
Again I am sorry if I have caused any problems or ruined your plans. I will try and check in more often. Hope all is well with all of you. Take care and hope to see some of you drop in for some grub and fruit.
Kelly (McKFam)
Date, location
Geez, if I was closer I'd drive down and take some of those oranges off your hands! (I like fresh squeezed OJ!)
Hope things get better for you! Maybe we can try for another year. The weather is usually pretty cr@ppy here that time of year, so a trip to the sunbelt would be nice!
Hope things get better for you! Maybe we can try for another year. The weather is usually pretty cr@ppy here that time of year, so a trip to the sunbelt would be nice!
The only difference between an ordeal and an adventure is your attitude
No vagabond, you can start one at any time. Just start a new thread.
Sorry to hear all that Kelly, I know how it goes.
I was planning on going but it was going to put me in a big bind so it is a relief for me.
I would still love to do a winter meet down there, maybe next year.
Sorry to hear all that Kelly, I know how it goes.
I was planning on going but it was going to put me in a big bind so it is a relief for me.
I would still love to do a winter meet down there, maybe next year.
I'd rather be driving my LJ!
Oranges & Grapefruit
Oranges & Grapefruits are ready. Anyone that wants them Please Come get them. PLEASE! Let me know and I will send you my address.
Have a good Christmas all
Have a good Christmas all
No Other Success can Compensate for Failure in the Home